Seasoned Women
The battle of the sexes has been going on for decades and doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon. Some women are determined to prove they can do anything a man can do. I understand some of it. I grew up with 5 brothers. I understand living in a man’s world. But, much of their mindset about men and women baffles me.
So, I asked a diverse group of women a few questions. I asked 5 questions.
What is your age and occupation?
Do you believe a woman can do anything a man can do?
Do you believe women were created/designed to do all that a man can do? If you don’t believe in Creation, then please go by design.
So, I asked a diverse group of women a few questions. I asked 5 questions.
What is your age and occupation?
Do you believe a woman can do anything a man can do?
Do you believe women were created/designed to do all that a man can do? If you don’t believe in Creation, then please go by design.
When do you feel in “your element?
If you could convey one thing to women, what would it be?
If you could convey one thing to women, what would it be?
Before I share some of their thought-provoking answers, let me share my thoughts.
I do not believe that women were created to do everything a man can do. I was 10-years old when the famous Blizzard of ’78 hit. There was a lot of snow. I have some great memories of driving in it with Daddy Bob, being out of school, and building amazing snow forts and tunnels with my brothers. I also remember trying for the first time the fine art of “writing in the snow”. Five brothers, I had seen it done a time or two. I can do that, I thought. I was determined to prove I could do anything my brothers could do. I wasn’t trying to make some feminist statement, I simply wanted to be like my brothers. They were cool. I pulled down my snow suit pants, my jeans, my thermal underwear and my underwear about to my knees. That is a lot of fabric between the knees. I took hold, aimed, and was just starting to pee when I saw my mother coming at me with a wooden spoon. She was livid that I had disrobed so much just to pee my name in the snow like my crazy brothers. I never tried that again and knew I would fail even if I tried. My “pencil” was far too short for any sort of eligible “writing”.
I guess it is human nature to want to be something we are not. Something we weren’t designed to be. Women with curly hair want straight hair. Women with brown eyes want blue eyes. Women with blonde hair want red hair. This list goes on and on. I wish I could sing with a voice people want to hear. We all have things we wish we could change about ourselves. Does a rose ever long to be a daisy? Or is the rose content with its own beauty and aroma?
The women in my group range in age from early 20’s to their late 70’s. There are business women, stay-at-home moms, retired women, college women, and all kinds of other women. Of all the women responding, 100 % stated that no we cannot do everything a man can and no we were not created to. I was surprised. Our bodies, our minds, and our emotions are not like a man’s. Does that make us less than? Absolutely not! It simply and beautifully makes us different. In the Creation Story we learn about the 7 days of creation. I love how after each day God looks and says it was good. When we read on in Chapter 2, verse 18 of Genesis we see God say, “it is not good…”. Why did God say something about His creation was not good? Because woman was missing. We are the crowning jewel of His creation. The cherry on the top. The pièce de résistance.
When it came to question number three, the majority of women stated they are in their element when they are with their family. Other frequent answers were, serving others, being mommy, praying for people, cooking, and simply lending a hand to help others.
Genesis 2:18 “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” We tend to take the term “help meet” and turn it into helpmate. Meaning women are merely here to help man, that we have little value outside of our man so to speak. This does little justice to the true meaning of the term. The term, in it’s original Hebrew, means something much more profound and powerful than just a “helper” and when we understand what God was saying to Adam we come to see Eve’s role and the role of women on this earth in a much different light.
According to some Bible scholars, the Hebrew word translated into English as “help” is ezer. The word is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save”, and the other meaning “to be strong”. The other part of the term “help meet” which is commonly translated as “meet for” or “fit for” is the word “k’enegdo”. This word only appears one time in the Bible. While the Hebrew word neged means against, kenegdo means “in front of” or “opposite.” Or it could be explained as being “exactly corresponding to,” like when you look at yourself in a mirror.
I was not designed to be exactly like Mark (my husband). I was designed to be his mirror opposite, possessing the other half of the qualities, responsibilities, and attributes which he lacks. Thank goodness he possesses what I lack.
If you could convey one thing to all women, what would it be?
“I would urge and encourage them to find WHO they really are and be true to that. Too many people try to convince us to be a different version of ourselves based on their opinions of us and their own life experiences. Being authentically ourselves takes work, and then when we do that it becomes easy.”–T
“I would urge and encourage them to find WHO they really are and be true to that. Too many people try to convince us to be a different version of ourselves based on their opinions of us and their own life experiences. Being authentically ourselves takes work, and then when we do that it becomes easy.”–T
“The best thing I can convey to women would be find out who you are in Christ, who God created you to be. Develop your purpose in Him, then go out and do it. You are not God, Wonderwoman, Superwoman or some other fantasy. You are you. Just do it, and be her.–M
” Our worth is not what the world tells us, manipulates to us and defines us. Our worth is defined from the Lord and that value is so much greater than we could ever imagine. Identify the lies you believe about yourself and rebuke them in the name of Jesus!”–L
“Be all that you can be always tempered by the Holy Spirits leading, then you won’t go out of your element. Always remember you are precious in His sight no matter what. –V
With all that is going on in the political world today, one would think that women are nothing more than a vagina. That mentality was put to rest decades ago. We are to be salt and light to the world. If you define yourself by one body part, what are you saying of the other 99% of what God created you to be? I do not have to be part of the “boys club”. Does a man that is passionate about being a nurse say he joined the “girls club”? Why when a woman succeeds in a predominately male role she is set up on some grand pedestal for her accomplishment, but when a man enters a predominately female role he is emasculated and called derogatory names?
With all that is going on in the political world today, one would think that women are nothing more than a vagina. That mentality was put to rest decades ago. We are to be salt and light to the world. If you define yourself by one body part, what are you saying of the other 99% of what God created you to be? I do not have to be part of the “boys club”. Does a man that is passionate about being a nurse say he joined the “girls club”? Why when a woman succeeds in a predominately male role she is set up on some grand pedestal for her accomplishment, but when a man enters a predominately female role he is emasculated and called derogatory names?
If you want to be an astronaut, then be that. If you want to be president of the PTA or the USA, then do that. If you want to be a professional woman with no children, do that. If your passion is to stay home with your children, do that. There is no need to sleep your way, lie your way, or bully your way to your passion. I would urge you to check your heart first though. Is this desire emerging from a true passion or a need to prove a point? Surround yourself with women that will encourage you, hold you accountable, and celebrate with you.
You are a woman! You are strong! You are courageous! You are needed! You are more priceless than jewels! You are tender! You are life!
What’s with the pictures above?
You are a woman! You are strong! You are courageous! You are needed! You are more priceless than jewels! You are tender! You are life!
What’s with the pictures above?
Amelia Earhart had a passion for flying. She was quoted as saying, “Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others. ” You will never know unless you try.
Harriet Tubman had a passion to see people free. I love when she said, “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have feed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Are you a slave to the wrong mentality, the wrong passion, or a wrong image of who you are and were created to be?
Mrs. Gleason HAS a passion. What? You have never heard of her? She helped save a 10-year old girl’s life in 1978. Her helping save that one life had lasting effects on many others. Her gentle words changed the world and yet you will not find her in History books. She isn’t written about in book reports on amazing women that shaped the world. Her face in not on a coin or stamp. “Some passions bring applause on earth, other passions bring applause in heaven.”–M.G.
“Women are like salt; Her presence in not remembered, but its absence makes everything left without flavor.”–unknown