Laundry and God
Don’t you love doing laundry? I don’t know too many people that do. The moms I know loathe this chore as much as I do. Laundry isn’t like most household chores. Dusting, vacuuming, windows, and such are usually weekly tasks. Unless you have pets or have just given up for the week. Laundry, however, seems like a continuous monotony of wash, dry, fold, hang up, put away, wear, repeat. And let’s be honest, sometimes we only do the first two steps.
A pastor recently asked me to meditate on Philippians 4:6-9 and journal about it. I honestly think he wanted me to do this daily, but I never made it past day one. Here is what happened.
I woke up early and read the scripture and reread it. This is what I wrote.
Do NOT worry!
About anything.
Talk to God.
Thank God.
You won’t understand.
Fix your thoughts.
Think about God.
Accept His peace.
I know, I know. Not the mind-blowing epiphany you were expecting. Me either. But then, that dreaded moment came…laundry time. I start shoving dirty clothes in the washer. I add the soap and vinegar. As I press the start button, the tears began. I sat down on my laundry room floor and just cried at the realization I had.
I trusted my washing machine more that I trust God.
I have had this washer and dryer set for about 10 years. I have done thousands of loads of laundry. I have refreshed more dried clothes than I care to remember. Never once, never, have I gone to do laundry thinking, “I hope the washer works today.” I have never paused to pray for a miracle as I hit that start button. I trust that every time I need to do laundry, that the washer and dryer will work.
Most appliances also come with a warranty. It is signed and makes certain guarantees about repairing or replacing the equipment in case it fails to perform as specified. What a relief. If it breaks, it can be replaced…at no charge.
God has been with me before I was born. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” I have been alive for 17,787 days. God has been with me, knowing me for over 17,000 days!! Wow, that is a long time. Deuteronomy 31:6 says He will never leave or forsake me.
God has given me the husband, marriage, children, family, and friends my heart desired. He has always provided financially for me. I have never gone without a meal or slept on the street. Have I struggled? Yes, of course. But He has always been there. I can’t begin to count the undeserved blessings and miracles in my life. Through abuse, addiction, depression, and a lot of really bad decisions, He has been there.
I have come out of many storms praising Him. I can see Him in the life around me most days. He is the light in my darkest moments. His hands pulled me from the gates of hell. Yet, somehow, I worry that He won’t get me through my current valley. I worry that the waters are too high. What if my distrust pushes Him away? What if this time He isn’t going to hear me crying out to Him?
Do not worry. Do not be anxious. Anxiety is a subtle insinuation that God is either unable or disinclined to see my needs. Which, according to His word, is plain wrong. Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
And yet, I trust my washing machine more than God.
As I sat there pondering all of this, it got me thinking what this big, bulky, loud set of appliances do. You throw in all your dirty clothes, add soap and then the waters get high. The clothes are submerged in water. The agitation cycle begins. The clothes are twisted, shaken, and rubbed against each other. Kinda like us. We get dirty and God cleanses us. The waters rise, we get pressed down, people rub us the wrong way, the dirt is lifted away, and we get shaken and twisted.
The clothes are clean now, but wet and unusable. Into the dryer, I throw them. I may even add a scented sponge to make them smell fresh. God takes us dripping wet with tears from our struggle in the high waters. He lets us walk through the fire to refine us. The laundry comes out clean, dry, sweet smelling are ready to be worn. We come out of the struggle cleansed of sin, refined by His fiery love, and ready to be covered in the dust of His sandals again.
Don’t worry! God will clean all your dirty laundry.
Don’t worry about anything! God will cover you in righteousness.
Talk to God about your needs. Then let Him spin you in the right direction.
Thank God that He didn’t leave you at the bottom of a heap of human laundry stained with sin no detergent can get out. Remember that you were a filthy rag, but you aren’t anymore.
God’s Word, The Holy Bible, is our guarantee. It is His contract to us. He signed it in blood on a cross. Unlike that warranty on an appliance, when I break there is a price to pay to “get fixed”. There is a sacrifice to make. I may have to give up a bad habit, or pride, or anger, or unforgiveness. Love is sacrifice.
Today, I will trust Him…more!
One thought on “Laundry and God”
Insightful and uplifting as always. Thanks kitty
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