Lord, Define Light
Webster’s defines light as having little weight: not heavy, of little importance, and trivial.
2 Corinthians 4:17 states, ” For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,”.
We know that Paul suffered a lot on this earth. He spells out a lot of his sufferings in
2 Corinthians 11, starting in verse 23. You can read it for yourself. Even in the deepest of my physical pains, I have never come close to experiencing what Paul did.
I have stood outside, yelled up to the heavens, “God, You call this light?” No one suffered more than His Son. Yet, here I am in constant pain that in no way feels “light”. Yet, there is always someone in more pain. You know the type. They have it FAR worse than the rest of the world according to them.
Jesus carried the weight of the sin for the entire world; past, present, and future. Compared to that, every pain I have ever experienced in my life combined would still be light. So, why do we think it is, “the worst pain ever and no one knows what this feels like?”
Because we more often than not look at it without God’s grace, promises, and character. Compared to the torment of hell, compared to what Christ suffered, and compared to the loss of joy; these really are light afflictions.
I have friends suffering through the heartache of loss, stroke, cancer, financial ruin, and sick children. For the most part, many handle it with grace while others don’t.
During my years of college, one professor made a lasting impression on me. I turned in 15 pages of what was supposed to be a 30 page paper. At the end, I came unglued and shared why I didn’t want to do this paper. I wrote out a long pity party. The last line of his response read, “The cross weighs the same no matter who is carrying it.” I will never forget those words.
I guess for me it came down to acceptance. I accept that I have trigeminal neuralgia. I accept that it is excruciatingly painful. I accept that it has changed my life and the lives of my family. I accept the side effects of my medication. I accept the days when my body, mind, and spirit can not take anymore and I run to God crying. I run to Mark crying. I accept my tears.
What I will not accept is my own personal pity party. I will not accept the lies of this world. I will not accept believing I have the corner on pain more than anyone else. I will not accept anything less than sympathetic behavior from myself towards others’ light afflictions.
I will count it ALL joy. I will know that ALL things work for good with God. I will persevere. I will continue the race. I will have difficult days. I will know that God is still God even on my worst days. I will accept that God’s grace is sufficient for today. I will serve The Lord ALL the days of my life whether I am in pain or not.