The Wonder of Wishes
In 1939, “When You Wish Upon a Star” was recorded for Walt Disney’s animated classic Pinocchio. But did you know it is believed that the act of wishing on a shooting star dates back to the time of Greek astronomer Ptolemy, around 127 AD to 151 AD? I didn’t until doing some research after a conversation with God a few week ago.
I was sitting outside around 1:00 AM. I don’t fight waking up in the middle of the night anymore, I embrace the time to talk with God in quiet solitude. As I was talking to God, I saw a shooting star. Instantly, I heard God ask, “Are you going to wish for healing?” He is no stranger to my requests to be free of TN1TN2. My sincere response was, “No, I want to ask for something else.” I asked if wishes were the same as prayers. Did God receive wishes as prayers we were simply too afraid to ask for? Are wishes extravagant desires we feel God doesn’t care about? I had so many questions.
The next two weeks I asked many people ranging in age from 4 to over 80, one or two questions. My first question was, “When I say the word ‘wish’, what do you think of?” The subsequent question was, “When I say the word ‘wish’ what image do you see?”
I found it interesting the majority of the younger people I asked, instantly described a scene in almost a questioning way. “You mean like at my birthday, on my cake?” “You mean like a star?” They even acted out closing their eyes and blowing candles, crossing their fingers to wish even harder. These young minds weren’t concerned with the definition or who the final authority was on wishes, they vividly saw a circumstance, a moment in their brief life, a cherished memory. The pure joy on their face displayed such faith their silent wishes are heard.
The majority of individuals over the age of 30, first gave their definition of wish. Some even asked if I was looking for a definition, as if the bigger concern was their answer being correct. The definitions varied slightly. According to Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, the definition is: (Vi) to have a desire, or strong desire, either for what is or is not supposed to be obtainable. Luke 1:37 clearly states, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” KJV
When I asked the second question, people were quick to give me a colorful, detailed picture of what they saw in their heart’s eyes. Every single one saw family. Wished for family to be together. Wished for grown children to be home and healing for loved ones. I loved listening to their wishes. Imagine being allowed into the vulnerable desires of another person’s longings, wishes. It was one of the last people I asked that broke my heart.
“When I say the word ‘wish’…” I had not even finished the question, before her answer burst out of her mouth and heart-wrenching tears fell from her eyes. I could only offer her my embrace and my prayers. Perhaps wishes are prayers we can’t fathom seeing come to fruition…yet.
My husband was the last person I asked. After a couple different conversations, we had another question. Are prayers and wishes ever altruistic? Mark prays for my healing knowing there is benefit (something in it) for him and our family. As we went back and forth, I pondered what I had asked God for a few weeks prior. I questioned my own reasoning and intentions behind my prayer request.
Then God, in His perfect timing, revealed another layer of understanding and trust for me. “I am a God who heals”, my daily devotion began. Difficult words to read six years into chronic pain and pleading, praying, and begging at times. Those weren’t the words God wanted to highlight to me though. “Your part is to trust Me fully and to thank Me for the restoration that has begun.”–Jesus Calling, August 20th. It never even once crossed my mind that God had begun healing me of Trigeminal Neuralgia. I still have the pain, so I must not be healed at all was the way I felt about it all. He revealed to me all He had begun healing me from THROUGH and BECAUSE of my Trigeminal Neuralgia.
The most amazing aspect of all these questions, is knowing God heard each person’s responses whether spoken or not. How can I be so certain? I have personally seen Him answering them. Regardless of the word we associate with the act of making our desires known to God; our words, our thoughts, and the secret desires of our hearts are NOT hidden from Him. Even though He knows them, He would much rather hear them from us. He longs for us to talk to Him. It is not how we are asking, it is all about WHO we are asking. Matthew 7:7-8 reads, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” ESV
I pray you draw nearer to God, trusting Him alone for the desires of your heart as you delight in Him. I pray you see the work He has begun and trust He will see it through to completion. I pray you see your own “thorn” as a gift. A gift of humility and dependence upon God. I remember before the pain began and wonder if Paul remembered his life as Saul. I choose today, it’s all I am guaranteed. No looking back, we press on towards the goal. Philippians 3:13