What is Intentional Parenting?
Do you often feel like you are simply, “winging it” as a parent? I think most of us have felt that way. It doesn’t have to be that way. We can parent with purpose with a little discipline and creativity.
I always wanted to be a mom, a great mom at that, but I didn’t know how. I had not seen any examples of a great mom. My grandma was great, but she wasn’t my mom. When I became the instant mom to three girls, I knew I needed help.
I wanted there to be some book or manual detailing everything I needed to know about being a parent. There are tons of books on parenting, talk shows discuss it all the time, and family is always ready with advice. None of that really helped. After years of praying and reading God’s Word, He showed me something. God showed me that all of my questions could be answered in His Word. After all, He is The Father. Who better to learn how to parent from than God?
He took me through His Word one letter at a time. He revealed to me the characteristics that I needed to be instilling in the hearts and minds of my children. He showed me the ABC’s of parenting in His image.
In writing this book, I learned that God is so intentional in His love for me. He showed me how to be intentional in everyday moments with my children that could stay with them through eternity. I wanted my moments to affect their eternity and lead them to God.
So, what is intentional parenting? It is taking an everyday event and turning into a lesson with eternity in mind. For example:
Yesterday, we took the children to LegoLand.
Livvy’s favorite ride is the horse ride that is like a giant, spinning swing. Matthew has never been tall enough to ride it, much to his relief.
Yesterday, he was tall enough. He did NOT want to go on that ride. He was afraid. His little eyes teared up and he pleaded his case with Daddy. Daddy reassured Matthew that he would be right beside him. He urged Matthew to set aside his fears and take a leap of faith. Faith that Matthew might just enjoy it and if nothing else faith that he could not only face his fear but also kick fear’s butt. Why? Because fear is NOT of God.
Isn’t that how God is with us. He pushes us outside of our comfort zone. He urges us to face our fears–with Him beside us. God has a reason for our journey and we may just find that after that fearful first step, the journey is worth it.
Matthew walked off that ride loving it. He wanted to go back on. He loved it!!!!!
We took a moment that could have ended in a tantrum, and turned it into a lesson on facing fear and trusting your daddy/Father. God is everywhere and showing us life lessons.