Mother’s Day and God
I was standing at the customer service counter, when a young, scrawny boy came running up with a dozen roses in his hand. “Can you ring me up real quick? I told my mom I was running to the car for my phone. I only have a couple minutes.” He handed me a soggy, wadded up $20 bill and I quickly rang him up as another staff helped me hide his prized gift so his mom would not see it. I asked him how old he was and he replied, “Twelve”. Both of us ladies were impressed and proud of this young man. He really got me thinking.
Today is Sunday, May 14th, 2017. Most of the world will see today as Mother’s Day. I woke up at 4 am with this blog on my mind. I laid there for two hours thinking about this young boy and his actions Friday night. He wasn’t the only person I sold flowers to, but he was the only one with such joy, urgency, and sincerity in his voice and actions.
Why do we buy gifts for our mothers specifically on this day? Because the world has convinced us we are ungrateful children if we don’t? Why did you go to church every Sunday as a kid? Is it what you always did? Did you simply go on the three big holidays? Did you go because everyone else was? Was there joy and anticipation? Why do you go now, as an adult? Do you run to the church doors with an urgency and sincerity?
God wants us to run to Him the same way that boy ran to the counter. That boy was not buying roses because the world told him to, he wanted to. He did whatever he had to do to get that gift for his mom. There was excitement in his eyes. He wanted to surprise her and shower her with love in a way he thought she would like. God wants us to run to church that same way. Eager to lay down our gifts and soggy, wadded up burdens, raise up our hands, and be with Him.
As a mom, I have received a lot of gifts over the years. I treasure the hand cut-outs, colored pictures, and handmade frames. I keep each card. Mother’s Day gifts are scattered about the house and I can tell you which child made or gave it to me. This little boy got me thinking. What would I really want for Mother’s Day? What would God want today?
I want my children to talk to me. Come sit with me and just talk to me. Tell me whatever is on your heart. I know that I will hear a lot of “umms” and “I was like and then she was like”, but I don’t care. Just be with me. Let me hear your dreams, fears, and questions. Ask me questions. Need me. Relish in my presence. Just be my child. Let me watch your eyes dance as you get excited in your talking. Let me see the tears break the dams of your eyelids as you share your hurts. Let me dry your tears one more time.
I think God would want the same. He longs for us to run to Him. He relishes in us talking to Him. He waits and waits for us to share our hurts and tears. He just wants His children to spend time with Him. He doesn’t need our fancy Sunday clothes. He doesn’t need our lavish offerings. Just like a mom, He wants our obedience, but more than anything….He simply wants His child to sit and talk to Him.
Buy your mom whatever you would like, but then sit and talk to her. Just be her child. Before you lay your head down tonight, sit and talk to God. Thank Him for your mother, mom, or whomever you identify as your mom. She wasn’t chosen for you in haste or out of duty. She was designed by the Creator of the World, just…for….you. Thank God for moms!!! This mom needs to go talk to her Daddy.