Praying in the Present
Here is the scenario. You are shopping when you run into a friend/acquaintance you haven’t seen in a while. You quickly catch up on each other’s lives. She mentions the breast cancer that she is now battling, shares about her son that is in jail for drugs again, or shares that her husband lost his job. Without even thinking, because you have so much to do, you reply, “I will be praying for you.”. “Will be”, as in the future. I have said it myself and I am sure most of us have.
Think about what you just said. When will you honestly get around to praying for your friend? When you are done shopping and driving home? After you fix dinner, help kids with the homework, and start the laundry? Will you even remember that you told her you “will be” praying for her as you lay your head down to sleep? Will you remember to pray for her a couple months later when you hear of her passing?
I have a couple friends that I could text a prayer request to that I know without a doubt, will stop right then and pray. I can walk into work and there are a few women that sensing something is wrong, will pull me into their arms and immediately pray for me. Yes, in public. Yes, ignoring their customers. Yes, boldly praying out loud for me. No shame!
Why are we praying in the future for what will then be a past problem? Why are we not praying in the present for the very present need? 1 Timothy 2:8 “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;”. Are we ashamed? Are we worried what other people will think of us? Jesus hung on a cross, beaten beyond recognition, being taunted by the crowd, knowing He was going to die, and He prayed for God to forgive us.
A couple nights ago, I was walking to my car with a friend after work as she asked me question after question about God and the bible. She shared how she doesn’t understand everything, but wants to grow closer to God. She asked me if I would pray for her. (Please know that this blog has been on my heart for about a month.) I spun around, took her in my arms, and prayed. Yes, right there in the middle of the Publix parking lot at 10 PM, I prayed for her. I prayed for her to understand and for her mind and heart be open to God. Mostly, I prayed for her to see herself through the eyes of God. She is an amazing young woman seeking NOW, not tomorrow when and if I remember to pray for her.
I am not saying you have to wrap that person in your arms to pray. I am not saying you have to pray so loud that everyone can hear as if you are some pharisee. I am not saying it has to be a thirty minute holy prayer like your preacher grandpa makes before Thanksgiving dinner. Just pray! Ask God for whatever the need is. Seek healing, peace, understanding, and joy. Knock on the doors of heaven and the heart of Jesus.