Greed or Need?
We are days away from probably one of the greediest times of year (Christmas). A time that is meant to be about giving and so much more. Millions of us got up at a time we usually sleep through to shop, to save money, to fight the crowds and traffic to get what we wanted. While I have never personally participated in “Black Friday”, I am not shaming those that do. I understand there is a thrill to it and many do save a lot of money. But I do have questions.
Would I get up at 3:00 AM to serve food to the homeless? Would I drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic to visit a friend in the hospital? Would I camp outside of a place of worship for days so I could be the first one in to get the “gift” that awaited me inside? Would I wait for days in an airport for a flight to Haiti to help the earthquake victims? My last question is, did finding the best deal leave you satisfied or did you want more?
So often in our desire to get what we don’t have, once we get whatever it was, it has lost it’s appeal. The thrill was in somehow acquiring an object that we thought would enrich our lives or at least bring us happiness; no matter how temporary.
I have two computers in my house. I have three TV’s, two of which are flat screens. I have three vehicles in the drive and a motorcycle. I have everything I need and yet I want a MAC computer so badly. I don’t need it, I want it. We have buried ourselves in dept trying to keep up with the Joneses. We take out second and third mortgages on our homes to add pools, buy boats, and buy what we can’t afford.
According to a survey conducted by Lee County Human Services there are over 3,000 homeless residents in Lee County, Florida. How many are in your town? I am not saying you should be ashamed of what you have. I, like many, have worked hard to acquire the home and possessions we have. But, I must question myself as to whether I give part of my time, talents, and resources to those in need?
There are many agencies in our communities that we could support. If you shop online a lot use Bluepew.com where a percentage of your purchase can be donated to the church of your choice. There are numerous food banks and other agencies that truly NEED our help. Just because you may not need these services, you may know someone who does. I think we would be surprised if we truly knew the needs of our co-workers and neighbors. Donate your time at a soup kitchen, donate old clothing, household items and such to the Salvation Army or another agency.
I challenge you to look around your home, your closets, your checkbook, your heart; what could you live without that would be a blessing to someone else? I challenge you to make a gratitude list of all the things you are grateful for. After making the list, act upon it. If you are grateful for friends, tell them. If you are grateful for your job, then go above and beyond at it. “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig.